Can. 840 The sacraments of the New Testament were instituted by Christ the Lord and entrusted to the Church.
As actions of Christ and the Church, they are signs and means which express and strengthen the faith, render worship to God, and effect the sanctification of humanity and thus contribute in the greatest way to establish, strengthen, and manifest ecclesiastical communion. Accordingly, in the celebration of the sacraments the sacred ministers and the other members of the Christian faithful must use the greatest veneration and necessary diligence.
Those requesting the reception of a Sacrament must be active, participating and registered members of the Parish or have delegation from the person(s) Pastor.
BAPTISM (Can. 849)
Can. 849 Baptism, the gateway to the sacraments and necessary for salvation by actual reception or at least by desire, is validly conferred only by a washing of true water with the proper form of words. Through baptism men and women are freed from sin, are reborn as children of God, and, configured to Christ by an indelible character, are incorporated into the Church.
Please contact the rectory 219-987-3511
Can. 879 The sacrament of confirmation strengthens the baptized and obliges them more firmly to be witnesses of Christ by word and deed and to spread and defend the faith. It imprints a character, enriches by the gift of the Holy Spirit the baptized continuing on the path of Christian initiation, and binds them more perfectly to the Church.
There is a two (2) year preparation time frame. Candidates must be 14 years of age by date of celebration. Participation in service projects, a retreat and an interview with the Pastor are part of the preparation process
Can. 897 The most august sacrament is the Most Holy Eucharist in which Christ the Lord himself is contained, offered, and received and by which the Church continually lives and grows. The Eucharistic sacrifice, the memorial of the death and resurrection of the Lord, in which the sacrifice of the cross is perpetuated through the ages is the summit and source of all worship and Christian life, which signifmies and effects the unity of the People of God and brings about the building up of the body of Christ. Indeed, the other sacraments and all the ecclesiastical works of the apostolate are closely connected with the Most Holy Eucharist and ordered to it.Can. 898 The Christian faithful are to hold the Most Holy Eucharist in highest honor, taking an active part in the celebration of the most august sacrifice, receiving this sacrament most devoutly and frequently, and worshiping it with the highest adoration. In explaining the doctrine about this sacrament, pastors of souls are to teach the faithful diligently about this obligation.
Normally, First Communion is administered in the 3rd grade. Participants must be at least seven (7) years of age. Proof of Baptism, if not baptized at St. Cecilia's, is required.
(Can. 959)Can. 959 In the sacrament of penance the faithful who confess their sins to a legitimate minister, are sorry for them, and intend to reform themselves obtain from God through the absolution imparted by the same minister forgiveness for the sins they have committed after baptism and, at the same, time are reconciled with the Church which they have wounded by sinning. Reconciliation:Saturday: 11am until Noon. or by appointment.
Normally, First Reconciliation is administered in the 2nd grade. Participants must be at least seven (7) years of age. Proof of Baptism, if not baptized at St. Cecilia's, is required.
(Can. 998)Can. 998 The Anointing of the Sick, by which the Church commends the faithful who are dangerously ill to the suffering and glorified Lord in order that he relieve and save them, is conferred by anointing them with oil and pronouncing the words prescribed in the liturgical books.
MARRIAGE (Can. 1055)
Can. 1055 §1. The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life and which is ordered by its nature to the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring, has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament between the baptized.
Diocesan Policy directs that certain criteria be met:• Both parties must be free to marry;• If one or both parties are twenty (20) or under, mandatory psychological evaluation;• Six (6) month minimum preparation time:• Participation in a diocesan Pre-Cana Conference;• Administration of a personal profile instrument
ORDERS (Can. 1008 - 1009)
Can. 1008 By divine institution, the sacrament of orders establishes some among the Christian faithful as sacred ministers through an indelible character which marks them. They are consecrated and designated, each according to his grade, to nourish the people of God, fulfilling in the person of Christ, the Head, the functions of teaching, sanctifying, and governing.
Can. 1009 §1. The orders are the episcopate, the presbyterate, and the deaconate.
§2. They are conferred by the imposition of hands and the consecratory prayer which the liturgical books prescribe for the individual grades.